
How Healthcare Providers Can Encourage Annual Wellness Visits

December 1, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

Are you aware of the benefits annual wellness visits have on your overall well-being? Some patients would rather save time and money by skipping general checkups, but there is one big reason why getting a checkup every year is well worth the effort.

Annual wellness checkups can significantly reduce your chances of visiting the hospital again in less ideal circumstances. According to one study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, patients had a 30% reduction in length of hospital visits and a 45% reduction in hospital readmission after having a checkup in the previous 12 months.

David Duel is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who is passionate about making a positive impact on his local California community and elsewhere. Recently, he has made headway as founder and CEO of EasyHealth, a 400-person Medicare platform that integrates healthcare and insurance services.

Concerning annual wellness visits, he observed, “Annual wellness visits are so valuable for improving health outcomes, but coming in for a checkup doesn’t even cross many patients’ minds. At this point, the healthcare provider has to be proactive in motivating patients to prioritize their health.”

David Duel also added, “If you have to email, text, or call patients to remind them about checkups, so be it. You can also include reminders with engaging content such as newsletters.”

Often, the biggest obstacle to patients scheduling checkups is their perceived inconvenience. Healthcare providers should also make getting checkups easier.

“Make sure your staff is ready to assist patients with anything they need during checkups. Also, make sure to get referrals from other providers so their patients can get their checkups closer to their place of residence,” David Duel advised.

For more info on EasyHealth and David Duel, see : Medicare startup EasyHealth gets $135M in series A to fill information gaps


Medical Weight Loss Doctors Help With your Goals

March 17, 2016 by · Leave a Comment 

If you are obese you might be considering a weight loss center. These places can be as unimposing as simply being a place that people can meet to get counseling, be educated, and work out. They can also be as intense as being sort of like a weight loss hotel where the patients stay in the building and their meals, exercise, and habits are monitored and controlled by doctors and nurses. Although this might sound like a very imposing option, these weight loss clinics have been known to help people who are morbidly obese fight their condition.

Recommended by medical weight loss doctors all across the nation, enrolling in a weight loss center is a great idea. Having realistic weight loss goals is one of the most important things that these centers stress. People who believe they will drop all of their weight in a few weeks and remain healthy are kidding themselves. The doctors at these centers work closely with their clients to help them create the best plan combining safe weight loss methods and effective methods.

If you have been considering one of these centers for a while, definitely check them out. They are dedicated to helping you lose weight, understanding how the whole process works, and educating clients on the importance of long term lifestyle changes to maintaining a healthy body.